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The Autoimmune Class: Create Freedom From Autoimmunity and Pharmaceuticals
Welcome + Class Materials
Program Waiver - Read this first
Class Introduction (11:53)
Course Book Downloads
Week 1: Why Am I Sick?
Lesson: How Autoimmune Disease Develops in the Gut (29:46)
Lesson: Pharmaceuticals and Autoimmunity (15:50)
Lesson: Other Potential Triggers for Autoimmunity (14:24)
Lesson: The Hidden History of Health (13:55)
Lesson: Why Your Doctor Doesn't Know Better (13:58)
Supplement training: EMF Remediation (62:30)
Daily Journaling: Beyond The Rulebook
Week 2: How Do I Reset My Body?
Lesson: What Is Healing? (10:07)
Lesson: The 3-Day Reset (11:01)
Lesson: The Healing Journey (21:01)
Lesson: The Wisdom of Autoimmunity (audio)
Daily Journaling: Beyond The Rulebook
Week 3: How Do I Make Progress?
Lesson: The Autoimmune Freedom Protocol (14:52)
Lesson: Detoxification for Autoimmunity (26:36)
Supplement Training: Phototherapy Patches (19:19)
Supplement Training: Iodine (15:42)
Daily Journaling: Beyond The Rulebook
Week 4: How Do I Address the Emotional Factors?
Lesson: The Body Is A Spiritual Instrument (24:25)
Lesson: The Intuitive YOU (7:31)
Supplement Training: Flower Essence Therapy (22:00)
Lesson: Releasing Resentments (audio)
Daily Journaling: Beyond The Rulebook
Further support: Private Coaching with Lauren Geertsen
Bonus Materials
Liberating Your Consciousness From Social Media
Training: 5 Facts Every Autoimmune Patient Needs to Know About Vaccines (116:55)
Lesson: The Intuitive YOU
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